General Information
Electoral Registration is open to all Portuguese citizens 18 and older. The process of Electoral Registration, with the exception of the 60 day recess during elections or referendums, is open year round, either in Portugal or abroad.

All Portuguese citizens, upon completion of their 17th birthday, provided that there are no impediments to their ability to vote, are entitled to a Pre-Electoral Registration which becomes effective on the day they turn 18 years old.

To verify is you are already registered, or to know your electoral number, please visit the following site:

Places to Register
Portuguese citizens living abroad, first time registers, or citizens wishing to transfer their existing registration from another registry office, should go to the Consulate of their area of residence and provide the following documentation:

· Identity Card or “Cartão de Cidadão”;
· Valid Passport;
· Proof of residency in the USA;
· Electoral Card for those transferring their existing registration from another registry office.