General Information

Individuals born abroad with at least one second-degree ascendant of the Portuguese nationality and who have not lost this nationality may, provided they meet other legal requirements, acquire Portuguese nationality by naturalization, upon application to the Minister Of Justice.

To whom does it apply?

For individuals born abroad with at least one second-degree ascendant of the straight line (grandfather or grandmother) of Portuguese nationality and who has not lost this nationality, provided that they are older or emancipated under Portuguese law, know the language sufficiently Portuguese and have not been convicted, with finality of the sentence, for the practice of an offense punishable by a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years, according to Portuguese law.

Where can it be required?

Portuguese Consulate in the area of ​​residence, or you can also choose to send the application by mail to the Central Registry Office or to one of the Nationality Offices.

Who can apply?

The application for the purpose of acquiring nationality through naturalization may be carried out by the person himself or by a sufficient attorney.

If the interested party is represented by a proxy, the power of attorney shall be as provided for by law.